Date: 9th June 2017
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd is committed to a Code of Business Ethics and Conduct which describes our intention on how to be¬have when we do business and how we interact with our stakeholders. The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd strives to maintain a reputation for corporate trustworthiness around the world, based on consis¬tently conducting business with integrity and in compliance with the laws and regulations governing its activities. Therefore we seek to ensure that all our officers, managers, employees and suppliers operate in compli¬ance with our requirements.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd Code of Business Ethics and Conduct is the company policy and general reference document on ethical issues and appropriate business practices.
It consists of 13 principles in the areas of: business principles, environmental principles and human rights and workplace practice.
The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct formalizes the principles that The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd shall commit in relation to employees, business partners and other stakeholders.
All of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd employees should know about the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, since the policy is ap¬plicable to all employees at all levels.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd encourages suppliers, dealers, consultants and other business partners within its sphere of influence to adopt these principles. In the assessment of potential and current suppliers, the principles described in this document shall be applied.
Please find The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd Code of Business Ethics and Conduct in section 2 of this document.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd maintains a reputation for company trustworthiness around the world, based on consistently conducting business with integrity and in compli¬ance with the laws and regulations governing its activities. The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd values and commitment to sustainable development are, and will continue to be, reflected, promoted and implemented in its policies, decisions and actions.
Scope of Application
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd Code of Business Ethics and Conduct has been adopted to underscore the principles by which the Company conducts its relations with employees, business partners and other stakeholders. It applies to all members of the Board of Directors, and all employed by The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd encourages suppliers, dealers, consultants and other business partners within its sphere of influence to adopt these principles. In the assessment of potential and current suppliers, the principles described in this document shall be applied.
Legal Compliance
In every country in which it operates, The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd shall abide by the laws and regulations of that country. In situations where the law does not give guidance, the Group applies its own standards based on its company values and culture. In cases of conflict between mandatory law and the principles contained in this Code, the law shall prevail.
Relations with Business Partners
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd dealings with its business partners are characterized by fairness.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd shall not offer customers, potential customers, governments, agencies of governments, or any representatives of such entities, any rewards or benefits in violation of either applicable laws or reasonable and generally accepted business practices.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd employees must not accept payments, gifts, or other kinds of reim¬bursement from a third party that could affect or appear to affect their objectivity in their business decisions.
Accounting and Reporting
All financial transactions by The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd must be reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, and accounting records must show the nature of all transactions in a correct and non-misleading manner. The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd will provide disclosure that is open, truthful, relevant, comprehensible and timely.
Conflicts of Interest
Employees and members of the Boards of Directors of the Harboro Rubber Co Ltd shall conduct their private and other external activities and financial interests in a manner that does not conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of the Group. Should such a conflict of interest arise, it must be reported immediately by the person subject to the conflict to his/her immediate supervisor.
Political Involvement
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd observes neutrality with regard to political parties and candi¬dates. Neither the names nor the assets of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd shall be used to promote the interests of political parties or candidates.
Stakeholder Communications
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd encourages an ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders.
Resource Efficiency
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd products and processes are designed in such a way that energy and raw materials are used efficiently, and waste and residual products are minimized over the products’ life cycles.
Precautionary Principle
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd supports the precautionary principle by avoiding materials and methods posing environmental and health risks when suitable alternatives are available.
Environmental Performance
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd routinely reviews, follows up and reports on its environmental regulatory compliance performance including evaluating the potential risks of present and future products and operations. The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd facilities strive to meet or exceed ISO 14001 qualifications/criteria to meet its manufacturing environmental responsibilities.
Human Riqhts
Within its sphere of influence, The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd supports and respects the protec¬tion of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensures that it is not complicit in human rights abuses. These principles and practices are communicated through The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd employee handbooks or by the Human Resource computer database & program and also by The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd managers, officers and stakeholders.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd hires and treats its employees in a manner that does not illegally dis¬criminate with regard to gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, union affiliation, social or ethnic origin.
Workplace diversity at all levels is encouraged.
No form of forced, compulsory or child labor is tolerated in the Harboro Rubber Co Ltd.
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and agreements shall be respected in all of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd operations.
Work Environment
The necessary conditions for a safe and healthy work environment shall be pro¬vided for all of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd employees.
It is the responsibility of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd managers to communicate and demonstrate the content as well as the spirit of this document within their organizations, and to encourage employees to reveal behavior that may be non-compliant with these principles. Explicit or implicit approval of questionable actions will not be tolerated.
Reports of violations of this Code may be done anonymously and confidentially to the Directors. Persons reporting violations in good faith will not be subject to retaliation.
This Code of Business Ethics and Conduct will be promptly and consistently enforced. Failure to com¬ply with its provisions can result in disciplinary action.
This Code of Business Ethics and Conduct has been adopted by the Board of Directors of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd and can only be amended or waived by the Board. Any amendments or waivers shall be disclosed.
The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd strives to maintain a reputation for trustworthiness around the world, based on consistently conducting business with integrity and in compli¬ance with the laws and regulations governing its activities. The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd values and commitment to sustainable development are, and will continue to be, re¬flected, promoted and implemented in Group policies, decisions and actions
In the same spirit we want our suppliers to adopt the principles in our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct or similar principles.
Suppliers of materials, equipment, services and consumption goods play a vital part in the development and manufacturing of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd products.
All suppliers and contractors must have knowledge of The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd Code of Business Ethics and Conduct coupled with internal working procedures including the following aspects:
The purpose of the Supplier self-assessment is to acquire an overview of the status of performance in fulfilling The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd requirements in this document. As this is an important issue for us, we ask suppliers to fill in this assessment.
We will use the returned self-assessment for follow-up in connection with other visits to you, so please be prepared to show us documentation or evidence to your answers.
Please, send the self assessment to your contact at The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd purchaser department.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask your contact at The Harboro Rubber Co Ltd purchasing department!